Human Geography and Spatial Planning
Liveability in the Ideal City
In this podcast host Naomi invites five experts on the topic of liveability to talk about an ideal city. Liveability is essential for happy living, but what does this entail? And what does it imply for policy making? These questions and more are discussed in this podcast. The topics that will be covered are mixed functions and equality, good infrastructure, green spaces, health and public spaces. So definitely check it out if you want to know more about this!
36 minutes
Annelies van Oostrum
Casper van Beveren
Flore Snelder
Layla Charki
Naomi Hoogenraad
Niels van den End
Tristan de Bever
An Equal and Cohesive City for All
Designing a new city is a complex task, especially on a different, un-discovered planet like Mars. In this podcast, key geographers Jane Jacobs, Edward Glaeser, Le Corbusier and Carlos Monero are going to have a discussion about what an ideal city on Mars should look like, whereby they pay attention to two key concepts within human geography: social cohesion and social equality. Within the podcast, the key concepts are explained from the viewpoints of the key geographers and through the concepts of walkability, mix of functions and skyscrapers. Let the discussion begin!
24 minutes
Anna Boshuis
Amber Luypaert
Floor Roll
Iris Veenvliet
Nik Waldram
Sterre de Rooij
Stijn van Bree
Tim Slokker
It’s no rocket science! Governance on Mars
How would a city on Mars be governed? Who rules it? Or what would be the relationship with Earth? Under the guidance of host Arne, multiple students will discuss these questions and figure out what the best governance system on Mars would be. Would you like to know the answers to the questions and what the best governance system on Mars would be? Check it out in the podcast.

39 minutes
Arne Eijgenraam
Elizabeth Machkovska
Joy Schutte
Lieke Vermeulen
Merlijne Hermans
Quintijn de Leng
Stan Huyn